Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lately I been feeling a little lonely

I am lonely because my mother left to get cure in my country for too long/
I am lonely because i don't trust my fiance anymore; I forgive what he does but how long will that attitude will last that is unknown.
I am lonely because my friends are what I called Party Dozers; they dont stop until they drop. If I hang out with them again, they are going to make sure my marriage get ruin.
I miss my father.
Most of the times, when I came home from work I think "I can call my party friends and they will make me feel a lot better for a while or I can wait until my boyfriend decides to talk to me or I can start making new friends behind his back no matter how much I ask him to go out with me he dismisses my cries. Well, I have no choice than to go out on my own. I guess It wont hurt me to go out with some of my friends if i don't do anything wrong. I better not tell the meany because he will make a scene and i will be back to sitting in my hosue waiting for him to call me like a stupid retard.

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